Troup Artillery Sons of Confederate Veterans and Cobb Deloney United Confederate Veterans
The United Confederate Veterans Camp was named for General Thomas R. R. Cobb and Colonel William Gaston Deloney. The Sons of Confederate Veterans camp was named for the Troup Artillery of Athens
On August 26 1891,In response the defeat of the Confederate home bill Confederate Veterans in Athens, Ga. including Captain C. G. Talmadge, Major John E. Talmadge, Captain J. W. Brumby, Captain J. H. Yancey, and Judge A. L. Mitchell along with others said a grave mistake was made by the legislature of Georgia not showing proper appreciation for the services of the soldiers of the confederacy
On January 28 1898 the the Commander of the Cobb-Delaney Camp United Confederate Veterans was Captain D. Cran. Oliver with 150 members and the Commander of the Torup Artillery Camp Sons of Confederate Veterans was Mr. S. J. Trimble with Mr. Z.L. Cobb as the First Lieutenant and Mr. T. W. Reed as Secretary/Treasurer with 150 members and hopefully grow to 300 members.
On March 21st 1898 The camps made oratory addresses for Confederate Memorial Day. the Commander of the Cobb-Deloney Camp United Confederate Veterans was Captain D. Cran. Oliver and the Commander of the Troup Artillery Camp Sons of Confederate Veterans was Mr. Samuel J. Trimble. Miss Mildred Rutherford of the UDC was there helping organize the programs.

D. Cran Oliver       Samuel J. Tribble
On April 10, 1899, The local Sons of Confederate veterans were raising money for disabled veterans. Mr. W. H. Black starts a list for Sons of Confederate Veterans and should reach $1000 dollars by Saturday. Black said,"Let the sons of veterans do this, in honor of their fathers' comrades! There are subscriptions from a colonel, in love his men; from veterans, for their comrades' sake,from little boys that lead the way with their pocket money." Atlanta Constitution
On April 23, 1899, The Troup Artillery Camp Sons of Confederate Veterans will send delgates to the Cahrsleston reunion Messrs Harry Hodgson, James W. Morton, Alex S. Erwin Jr., Lewis Camak and A. W. Dozier along with many other camp members
On May 21st 1899, in a Atlanta Constitution Article both the Cobb Deloney Camp of United Confederate Veterans and the Troup Artillery Sons of Confederate Veterans held a roast for General Evans Commander of the Georgia Division Confederate Veterans on May 20th. The memebrs passed resolutuions in regard to how their maid of honor was treated in a parade Charleston.
On July 13th, 1899 300 memebrs attended a reunion in Altanta. Miss Louise Dubose will act as sponsor of the Cobb-Deloney Camp UCV and Miss Daisy Talmadge will sponsor the Troup Artillery Camp SCV
On May 24, 1901 The Troup Artillery Camp SCV sent 50 memebrs including Miss Norma Strickland daughter of Colonel J.J. Strickland to sponsor the camp at the Memphis Reunion
On March 21st 1910 Mrs. Lydia Hutchins of Athens was named made of honor for the Montgomery, Alabama United Sons of Confederate Veterans reunion. Dr. Clarence J. Owens was the USCV commander.
For information contact
Robert N. Hale Sr.
Chapter 176 Robert Toombs MOSB Home page